Digital Regulation Platform

Reference sources and further reading

Reference sources Several websites offer much relevant content for regulators, including but not restricted to material related to consumer affairs. Those listed below both supplement the Digital Regulation Handbook and Platform and will keep readers updated on future developments. Consumer International’s ”collection of digital policies and initiatives from different countries that aim to protect and empower consumers in the digital world.” Latest publications from Consumers International. The list contained several substantial reports on consumer research and policy, largely related to the digital world. Internet and Jurisdiction Policy Network Retrospect Database, goes back to 2012, searchable by topic…

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Social media platform regulation

The moderation of online content, especially on social media platforms, is a pressing issue for consumers and citizens. Experience of the Facebook Oversight Board, a self-regulatory initiative, will affect the future not only of Facebook, but also of other regulatory initiatives relating to social media and platforms more generally (including self-regulatory[1] and coregulatory initiatives. Within any one platform, there may be tensions between simple commercial considerations and political/public relations imperatives. To these may be added actual legal constraints, such as already exist in Germany[2] and are proposed in the United Kingdom,[3] to combat online harms. A valuable overview of the…

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