Digital Regulation Platform

A global resource for policy-makers, regulators, the tech industry and consumers.

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ITU Channel

WB Channel

G5 Accelerator

What Is New

Transformative technologies (AI) challenges and principles of regulation
Introduction We are witnessing a remarkable transformation that is rapidly shaping the world as we know it. The pace of this change is exponential, driven by a wave of innovative technological trends that are changing how we live, work, and communicate. From the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the…
Regulation of NGSO Satellite Constellations
1. Introduction Satellites have played a pivotal role in the connectivity ecosystem since decades. While terrestrial networks address mostly dense urban areas, satellites enable seamless communication across remote and underserved regions. Their ability to provide ubiquitous coverage ensures that even the most isolated areas remain connected, helping to bridge the…
Guiding principles for ICT regulators to enhance cyber resilience
Introduction[1] Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) enable global digital connections between individuals, businesses, government, academia, and civil society. ICTs play a fundamental role in all aspects of national security and economic and social affairs[2]. In a world where modern societies are increasingly digital and hyperconnected, it is essential for the…