Digital Regulation Platform
Digital Regulation Handbook

Digital Regulation Handbook

Today’s digital technologies are transforming almost every sector of the economy by presenting new business models, introducing innovative products and services – and, ultimately, changing the way countries around the world harness socioeconomic development. Digital technologies, and the benefits that they bring, can connect citizens to services and opportunities, and help them build a better future. However, for markets to functi...

World Bank Digital Progress and Trends Report 2023

World Bank Digital Progress and Trends Report 2023

The new series Digital Progress and Trends Report adopts a holistic framework of digitalization, with selective topics examined in depth in each edition. It tracks the global progress of digitalization, summarizes emerging technology and market trends, and highlights policy shifts and debates. The report puts a focus on low- and middle-income countries. It seeks to open dialogue and motivate action among relevant audiences to help to sustain political commitment to closing the digital divide. The report also brings global attention to successful experience as well as to areas where efforts will need to be redoubled

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Benchmark of fifth-generation collaborative digital regulation 2023 – Global and regional trends

Benchmark of fifth-generation collaborative digital regulation 2023 – Global and regional trends

The second in the series ‘Benchmark for fifth generation collaborative digital regulation 2023: global and regional trends’ is the analytical companion of the 2023 edition of the G5 Benchmark. The paper highlights the trends and findings on the evolution of digital regulation based on the latest dataset. This new edition contains the latest information for 193 countries and economies (the same as the 2021 sample) and follows the established methodology, making it possible to monitor the changes of each country over the past two years. The analysis looks at the digital regulation patterns across different regional and development profiles, including…

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Collaborative regulation: Accelerating Nigeria’s digital transformation

Collaborative regulation: Accelerating Nigeria’s digital transformation

As a leader in Africa, already a G4 regulator and at the G5 advanced state of readiness for digital transformation, Nigeria has the opportunity to pave the way to becoming a leading G5 country, embracing policy cohesion and lean governance, and unlocking the potential of digital transformation to deliver on the national development agenda.

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Collaborative digital regulation country review: South Africa

Collaborative digital regulation country review: South Africa

As South Africa adopts reforms to further strengthen its economy across multiple sectors, this country review presents the policy, legislative, and governance frameworks that are enabling South Africa’s digital transformation. It includes a review of key institutions and collaborative digital regulation practices, as well as common themes related to digital sector policies and frameworks.

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Digital policy action areas for a connected ASEAN

Digital policy action areas for a connected ASEAN

ASEAN best practice benchmarking and an action plan for regional harmonization

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Global Digital Regulatory Outlook 2023

Global Digital Regulatory Outlook 2023

The Global Digital Regulatory Outlook 2023 benchmarks regulatory progress across 193 countries worldwide, building on the successful track record of the first three editions. This new analysis is the go-to reference for regulators and policy-makers seeking to understand a fast-moving landscape – and shape regulatory change that will benefit all in the quest for digital transformation. Almost a third of humanity remains unconnected – a sober reminder of the work that lies ahead

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Tanzania – A solid base for moving to G5 regulation

Tanzania – A solid base for moving to G5 regulation

Tanzania has undertaken many measures and facilitated several projects that demonstrate a commitment to using ICTs for development and continuously enhancing collaboration across government and with national stakeholders.

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Switching on “Smart Rwanda”: digital inclusion, collaboration and a G5 mindset

Switching on “Smart Rwanda”: digital inclusion, collaboration and a G5 mindset

Despite its small population, Rwanda is a regional leader, whose economic performance is attributed to strong leadership, structural reform, significant investments in education and infrastructure and a clear focus on creating a good investment climate.

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Colombia country review: Regulation at the forefront of digital transformation

Colombia country review: Regulation at the forefront of digital transformation

Recent reforms led by government agencies and ministries have provided positive results in enabling the national digital economy, and in 2021, Colombia joined the group of 60 countries to reach an advanced level of preparedness for digital transformation according to the ITU G5 Benchmark.

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Collaborative regulation for digital transformation in Kenya: A country review

Collaborative regulation for digital transformation in Kenya: A country review

Over the last few years, Kenya has developed a comprehensive set of digital policies and strategies to move the country’s digital economy forward. The Communications Authority has prioritized regulatory reforms of benefit to the broader digital economy, rather than the ICT sector alone.

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