Digital Regulation Platform
Global ICT Regulatory Outlook Summary

Global ICT Regulatory Outlook Summary

This edition of the Global ICT Regulatory Outlook builds on its predecessor first edition. New this year is unique evidence from around the world charting the evolution of policy and regulation in ICTs and, by extension, in the digital economy. This is an exciting time for regulators and what they need more than ever, is detailed evidence to support their decision making, enabling them to lead the way in digital transformation with confidence. This report is based on inputs from 190 countries and offers an objective/neutral perspective on the latest trends driving ICT policy and regulation. Regulatory topics are explored…

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Giving Sisyphus a Helping Hand: Pathways for Sustainable RIA Systems in Developing Countries

Giving Sisyphus a Helping Hand: Pathways for Sustainable RIA Systems in Developing Countries

Over the last few decades, Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) has emerged as a key instrument to support evidence-based and coordinated policy-making. The systematic use of RIA is recognized as a key means to improve the efficiency, transparency and accountability of decision making (OECD 2015). RIA typically also encourages several good governance features, and contribute to a better business-enabling environment (Ladegaard 2005; OECD 2008). Starting in the US and the UK in the 1980s, RIA gained popularity and traction in the second half of the 1990s. By 2015, all 34 members of the OECD at the time reported to have some…

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Vulnerabilities Slow Growth

Vulnerabilities Slow Growth

GDP growth in the Western Balkans slowed from 3.1 percent in 2016 to an estimated 2.4 percent in 2017. Regional growth in 2017 is less optimistic than the 2.6 percent expected when the Fall issue of this report was published. It slowed in Serbia due to a harsh winter and stalled in FYR Macedonia, where the political crisis deterred both public and private investment. Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) grew at a rate like the last two years. The dynamism of the smaller economies of Albania, Kosovo, and Montenegro drove regional growth in 2017, with support from higher growth in trading…

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A Glass Half Full: The Promise of Regional Trade in South Asia

A Glass Half Full: The Promise of Regional Trade in South Asia

I am delighted to have in my hand a book that asks how we can turn proximity from a burden to an advantage. A Glass Half Full: Th e Promise of Regional Trade in South Asia advocates an approach of open regionalism, using intraregional trade as com- plementary to, and as a stepping stone for, deeper global integration. Th is book, written by Sanjay Kathuria and a team of South Asian researchers, stands out for its eff ort to bring together in a single tome theoretical knowledge and ground realities of trade in South Asia. Th is is a much-needed…

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Maximising availability of international connectivity in the Pacific

Maximising availability of international connectivity in the Pacific

Background The World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT-12) identified that the internation- al connectivity of small island developing states (SIDS) remains key to their economic development and creation of their own information society.1 WCIT-12 instructed that further study be undertaken of the special situation of telecommunication/ICT services in SIDS, with particular consideration being given to the importance of access to international optical fibre networks at reasonable cost. It also undertook to assist SIDS with planning and guidance to promote regional and multilateral projects that will provide them with greater access to international optical fibre networks. The World Telecommunication Development Conference…

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Setting the Scene for 5G: Opportunities & Challenges

Setting the Scene for 5G: Opportunities & Challenges

I am pleased to present this report on Setting the Scene for 5G: Opportunities & Challenges, prepared in collaboration with the ITU s Standardization and Radiocommunication Bureaux. The report sets out the landscape for ICT policy-makers, national regulatory authorities (NRAs) and operators as 5G technologies move ever closer. 5G has the potential to be transformative for citizens, businesses, governments and economies. Investment is key but there are many factors to take into account before investments can be committed. This report helps navigate through the issues related to 5G and provides a measured, practical ap- proach to policy-makers looking to make…

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ITU – All About International Mobile Roaming (IMR) 2018

ITU – All About International Mobile Roaming (IMR) 2018

The collection of IMR data for retail and wholesale services, by National Regulatory Authorities (NRA), remains very complicated considering that this is an international service that is managed, in most cases, by commercial agreements. Cost and tariff information is not easy to obtain nor always available. Regarding IMR retail services prices, most NRAs are collecting information on IMR traditional services such as voice, SMS and data, but not on retail costs. Only 20 countries out of 82 (who answered the survey) have reported to request retail cost information to operators. Data availability and greater transparency illustrate the need for further…

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International mobile roaming strategic guidelines

International mobile roaming strategic guidelines

The ITU international mobile roaming (IMR) strategic guidelines are part of the ITU Let s Roam the World initiative launched in 2015 by Mr Brahima Sanou, Director of the International Telecommunication Union Development Bureau (ITU-D)1, and have been drafted in collaboration with regional regulatory and other relevant associations. The issue of high international mobile roaming (IMR) service prices at the national, regional and international level is increasingly important, with national regulatory authorities (NRAs) and policy makers looking for appropriate regulatory and policy solutions. Discussions are not only focusing on just voice or data roaming, or on international trade-related principles (e.g.…

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The economic contribution of broadband, digitization and ICT regulation

The economic contribution of broadband, digitization and ICT regulation

The transformative power for economic and social growth of connectivity is empowering people, creating an environment that nurtures innovation, and is triggering positive change in business pro- cesses and in the global economy. In our first study on this topic, The impact of broadband on the economy , launched in 2012, ITU provided initial evidence on the positive economic and social impact of broadband, under lining the importance of data gathering to refine impact measurement. It also explored the policies that have proven to be most successful in stimulating investment in broadband as well as promoting the adop- tion of…

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The APP economy in Africa: economic benefits and regulatory directions

The APP economy in Africa: economic benefits and regulatory directions

It is my pleasure to present this ITU report on the app economy in Africa: Economic benefits and regulatory directions prepared by the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT). Technological change is one of the most powerful drivers of national economic development. It represents the crystallisation of new knowledge as it is employed to improve the utilisation of all re- sources and to improve human welfare. Governments and Telecommunication/ICT National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) are playing an important role in this new phase of twenty-first century develop- ment of information and communications technology. This report identifies the analytical basis for the various types…

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